Last Updated, Dec 28, 2023, 7:59 PM Press Releases
'You go WOKE, you go BROKE!' US attorney claims Disney has a 'political agenda' after losing Florida debate
Press Releases

A US attorney has claimed that Disney has a “left political agenda” after they lost the Florida debate.

The major corporation has been ensconced in a legal battle with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and labeled “woke” after they opposed the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation.

The legislation is aimed at restricting schools in the Sunshine State from teaching students about sexual orientation and gender issues, with teachers opening themselves up to lawsuits should they fail to comply.

Speaking to GBN America, US attorney Julian Epstein said: “It was a bill that was very popular in Florida, not just with Republicans but with many Democrats.

Julian Epstein and Patrick Christys

“Disney decided to wade in and oppose and end up losing the fight.

“Part of that ongoing controversy is seeing the Governor of Florida imposing rules that would crack down on the self-governance Disney has.

“Florida took it away and Disney claimed it was political retaliation. The Governor said that if Florida were going to be political actors, they’re certainly not going to get privileges from the state.

“Disney has been engaged in this fight and becoming the epitome of you go woke, you go broke.

An image of Walt Disney World Resort in Florida

“Disney has lost according to some reports around 50 per cent of its market cap, they have become very politically active.”

The bill’s sponsors have emphatically stated that the bill would not prohibit students from talking about their LGBTQ families or bar classroom discussions about LGBTQ history, including events like the 2016 deadly attack on the Pulse nightclub, a gay club in Orlando.

​Instead, they argue that the bill would bar the “instruction” of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Patrick asked the lawyer if Disney was wanting to “turn kids gay” and he responded by saying: “I think what is happening here is similar to what you see happening with universities in Britain. A small portion of the voting public, which considers itself part of this intersectional left, wants to see the world through the oppressor.

Julian Epstein and Patrick Christys

“They have seized control of social media and they have intimidated the common sense librals on the left into complying with their extremists ideology.

“Disney, for its part, has taken up a lot of the Hollywood left political agenda.

“They were thinking that it would be good politics and good marketing for them.

“And I think that it has turned out to be the opposite as they lost the debate in Florida.”

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