Personal loans are a great way to fund large projects and purchases. Some people use loans to build their credit, while others may use loans for emergencies. Whatever you need the loan for, it’s important to use it wisely. Getting a loan, blowing the money, and not paying it back can lead to serious consequences, including taking a valuable item as collateral or lowering your credit score.
Your credit score history is like your report card. It tells creditors and lenders how reliable you are with large or small credit amounts. Here are three loan mistakes that could lower your credit score.
When we shop for loans, we have the big picture in mind. Whether you need a loan for home improvement projects or to help buy a car, it’s important to budget. Before you apply for a loan, calculate how much the monthly payments will be to see if you can afford it. You may get approved for a larger loan, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it. Stick to your original number to ensure you don’t take out a larger loan than you need.
When shopping for a personal loan, they may have various requirements to consider for your loan application. Whether you have an unsatisfactory credit history or a 700+ credit score, not weighing all of your options can hurt you in the end. Some creditors will have different requirements to fit their ideal partner. Shopping around will help you compare percentages, repayment terms, and penalties.
One of the biggest loan mistakes you could make that would lower your credit score is not reading the full agreement. Skipping the fine print can get you in serious trouble. Reading your term agreement will tell you how much you will owe over your loan term and the consequences if you skip out on payment. Some loans will have collateral agreements in the fine print and other important information regarding your loan. Skipping through the pages to sign your name can result in missed payments, extra fees, and confusion.
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