Last Updated, Jul 24, 2023, 12:25 PM Technology
Helpful Maintenance Checklist for Solar Panels

Solar panels are vital for utilizing sustainable energy to power your home or workplace. They absorb sunlight and send it through a regulator to store energy in a battery for future use. While this process is mostly autonomous, you can take some important steps to ensure your system stays in working order for a long time. Here’s a helpful maintenance checklist for solar panels that you can use to protect your investment and keep it in good condition over the years.

Clean the Panels

One of the most important steps for a regular maintenance checklist is to ensure your panels are clean. Dust and dirt can build up on the panels over time, which may block sunlight and make your system inefficient. If you notice you’re not getting as much power as before, you may be experiencing this problem. Fortunately, you can clean panels with a gentle glass cleaner and a warm, damp rag.

Check Connections

Your panels connect to many things, and those connections may loosen after months of outdoor exposure. Your solar panel system needs a battery pack, so check that it is connected. Without a stable connection, your panels may only be able to use power during daylight hours. During these inspections, examine the physical fastening, too. Check that your panels are securely fastened to the roof or adjacent structure so they don’t become loose.

Clear Obstructions

Eliminate obstructions between your panels and the sunlight they receive when going down the maintenance checklist for your solar panels. Some common examples involve clearing off leaves or branches that may fall onto them, especially after inclement weather events. Snow, surrounding buildings, and trees can also prevent your panels from working efficiently. Wherever you position your panels, make sure they receive full sun throughout the day for maximum energy production.

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