Last Updated, Mar 22, 2024, 1:45 AM Press Releases
Council meeting called off in just two minutes after public call for Gaza ceasefire labelled a 'disgrace'
Press Releases

Scenes which unfolded after a member of the public demanded a seaside town’s council to discuss a ceasefire in Gaza have been slammed as a “disgrace” by leading councillors.

Hastings Borough Council had been set to host a meeting yesterday evening, but the disruption forced the authority to call it off within two minutes.

A video of the incident was posted online, and shows a man rising from the audience to ask councillors to “confirm whether or not the motion has been submitted regarding the genocide in Gaza is going to take place”.

Officials repeatedly told the man to stop, but despite his claims that he was protesting “a fundamental issue of democracy”, the meeting was soon adjourned.

Disrupting Man/Hastings Borough Council

The man said he was protesting “a fundamental issue of democracy”, forcing councillors to adjourn


Leader of Hastings Borough Council’s Labour group, Heather Bishop, said: “The scenes we saw this evening in the council chamber were a disgrace.

“Democracy was temporarily undermined, and those present felt unsafe and threatened – an unacceptable situation.

“We wholeheartedly recognise the right of individuals to protest – it is a vital part of our democracy.

“But when such protests prevent the ability of democratically elected councillors to meet to discuss and make decisions on important issues that matter to local residents, they move beyond legitimate protest and into mob rule.”


Pro-Palestinian protesters march through central London to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Protests over a ceasefire in Gaza have swept across London in recent weeks


Council chairwoman and mayor Margi O’Callaghan told the PA news agency that she was unable to start the meeting and talk through safety procedures after someone stood up and started shouting.

She said: “I can’t continue what I have got to say – it’s very rude, it’s not procedure. Members of the public are welcome to come and watch, not ask questions by coming in and shouting over the chair.”

She said the decision not to include a motion of a ceasefire in Gaza – which has prompted protests across London in recent weeks – had been made the week before, and was not on the agenda for council business so couldn’t be discussed.

Cllr O’Callaghan said the people holding signs in the “packed gallery” refused to leave, ensuring the council could not continue the meeting.

Julia Hilton, Leader of Hastings Borough Council and Green Party councillor, said: “Last night’s council meeting was adjourned by the Labour mayor when people in the gallery asked why the meeting wouldn’t discuss a motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“While an amendment to the constitution would have allowed this to come to a later meeting and been supported by Green councillors, the mayor removed any possibility of that happening.

“There were a number of important items on the agenda for tonight including debating a motion to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill and a change to our constitution to embed opposition chairs and vice chairs in our scrutiny committee… These will now have to wait until the next full council in June which is extremely disappointing.”

A Hastings Borough Council spokesperson said the meeting was adjourned due to disruption and would not comment further.

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